Thursday, May 20, 2010

Another word on the health issues of the day, going back over what I said in my last posting about the new germs and bacteria being released into the air by the quakes and volcanic activity that are affecting us so strongly because of our lack of immunity to them.

I was reminded by my friend and mentor, Carolyn Rehart (the brilliant woman who taught me Tarot and so many other things), that it matters how you deal with these new health issues. Anyone who knows me, knows I'm not a fan of the modern American Medical Association system. I don't agree with their lack of respect for the body as a whole. They're outlook, it seems to me, is based on the Piscean Age "control over" concept. And if we're learning anything with all these changes and challenges, it's that we no longer have control over anything.

I'm also reminded that a huge part of this ascension into higher awareness is the power of our own mind and intention directing new energy that then forms what is to come. Many shamans and teachers who have made these changes their main study have said that as the Earth shifts and gives birth to a new version of herself, humans have the power to program how they will learn and survive through positive thinking and intention. If we live in fear, we maintain fear and create more fear. If we live in positive thinking and possibility, we create the same. Law of Attraction, and all that.

In facing these new health challenges, it's probably not the best thing to just accept you're sick and immediately go for the antibiotics. If you do get sick, try to look at it differently. Why did you get this specific problem? You may be susceptible to germs that settle in your throat because you have issues of not being heard, or having your opinion stiffled in early life or a past life. Look at what any illness represents metaphysically. Stay in positive intention; accept health issues as a map to show you what you need to work on and be grateful for the clarity.

Carolyn said it very well in an email response to my last posting:

"I've been thinking about these "new" bugs you mentioned. We need to become Light Warriors and fight them with positive affirmations of health and invoking worldwide immunity to these and any other bugs that may be released in the future. Not only for ourselves, families and friends, but for the world at large. Affirming that we feel sick only gives them more power. I don't choose to do this. So from now on, if I catch myself saying, "I don't feel good, I feel sick, etc." I'm going to stop and say, "I feel strong and healthy, my body's immune system adapts quickly and surely to any and all illness."

Very well said.

I'm not telling you to stop getting medical attention, but as balance is our key word these days, do it with balance and look at what it all means. Be cautious of medicine that treats only a symptom and not the whole. There is a personal reason for every illness, from the common cold to the worst cancer. It may not even have to do with the issues of your current life. In fact, most of the time, I've found the extreme illnesses and health issues are ways of dealing with pretty heavy karma.

Disbelieve in disease! As a word, disease is dis-ease, just another way of showing imbalance.

And if you'd like to work on good health intentions every day, try this Sanskrit Mantra which asks the celestial healer, Dhanvantre, for guidance to find the most appropriate path to healing. It is written like this:

"Om Shri Dhanvantre Namaha."

And pronounced like this:

"Om Shree Dahn-vahn-trey Nah-mah-ha."

It's chanted on a single, droning note with the "trey" syllable trilled up and down a step to finish the Namaha on the same note as the begininng.

For more info on chanting, check out Thomas Ashley Farrand, aka Namadeva, and his CDs and books on chanting. It works! It really does!

Meanwhile, blessed be and think health!

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