Friday, April 16, 2010

With all the dramatic Earth shifts happening - there have been 10 major quakes over 6.5 in the last three and a half months, and last Wednesday, as I'm sure you know, a volcano in Iceland erupted and is still spewing lava and ash into the air - you may not think this is affecting you personally (outside of fear of a quake happening in your area or not being able to fly in Europe). But we've been feeling it in subtle ways.

This is the year of the earthquake (Pluto/Transformation in Capricorn/Earth) and we've only seen the start of it. Leading up to each event, we can feel, to varying degrees: dizzy, out of sorts, depressed, unbalanced, irritable and exceptionally tired. And I'm talking so tired, hours more sleep is still not helping. The intensity of each of these reactions lessens within a day of an event.

We're feeling this no matter where on the planet each event takes place - it doesn't have to happen in your backyard for you to be affected. Since some of our biggest lessons now are about awareness of ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET INCLUDING THE PLANET HERSELF, not just awareness of our immediate spheres, we're going to feel the changes that are happening all over.

If you're not charting this, think about doing so. At least, be aware of your moods and sleep patterns not because you're reacting to some idiot at work or because you have indigestion in the middle of the night. Be aware of your connection to the Earth affecting you on very deep levels. Sometimes knowing why you are depressed or irritable or overtired makes it easier to deal with.

Love and light to all.


  1. Great topic for a first blog post, LJ! And, it's hit home with me. My sleep patterns for the past week have been erratic: fine for 4-5 hours, then bizarre dreams, nightmares and sleeplessness in the couple of hours before my normal wake-up time.

    Also, a LOT of weird things (above and beyond the usual)going on at work.

    All the best with your blogging; I'll be here for each one.


  2. So strange how everyone around (myself included) has been complaining about how incredibly tired they are, even after getting "plenty of sleep". Where some are dazed and confused, others are so intense, they're like tiny volcanoes themselves, ready to pop and lash their fiery lava upon the innocents below.

    Great blog =) Looking forward to more!
