Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Last time I briefly touched on the retrogrades we're facing: Saturn, Pluto and Mercury. For those who don't know, when a neighboring planet seems to go backwards in its orbit in comparison to the Earth's orbit, it's seen as going "retrograde". Whatever influence it normally has on us then shifts to what seems to be the opposite.

The most popular in modern awareness is Mercury Retrograde, probably because it happens more frequently and because its effect on us is so easily recognized: communication mishaps, automobile accidents, computer and electronic snafu's. This year, we have four times when Mercury goes retrograde for about three weeks each. We're in the second, which ends May 11th.

This go-round, some of the major obstacles to look out for are scheduling mishaps and simple miscommunication. That seems easy enough, but coupled with the Saturn and Pluto Retrogrades, of course it's not going to be that easy. Whatever lessons Saturn and Pluto have for us are going to be made more pointed because of Mercury.

Each retrograde - no matter what planet is involved - is a major opportunity for facing lessons, healing the past and letting go of what might be in your way. When the outer planets get involved (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto), the lessons and challenges are deep seeded and can reach back into past life lessons brought forward in this life.

The main info I want to cover right now, however, is about Pluto Retrograde, as the planet of transformation is having such an important part to play in the overall and much grander scheme of the 2,000 year, 5,126 year, 26,000 year and 125,000,000 year shifts we're smack in the middle of (more on that in future blogs).

I'd like to quote from one of my favorite reference books, Annie Bones' "Celestial Forecaster". Every year, this book not only charts every astrological event that's happening, it explains what it means so anyone can understand. As I've mentioned in a previous blog, I know Astrology, but I don't KNOW Astrology. This book - new every year - has been of tremendous help to me in my work and teaches me something new every day.

So here are some select quotes from what Annie Bones has to say about Pluto Retrograde, which is in Capricorn and runs from April 6th to September 13th, 2010.

"This is a time to make life better by consciously transforming fear into determination and despair into belief in oneself, no matter what condition of fate surrounds you. We must acknowledge the evolution of humankind's current condition in order to survive the changes that are occurring on Earth.

"The destructive habits, prejudices, sufferings and haunts of previous generations must be acknowledged, addressed and altered to enable us to tackle the world of the future. We will all face greater challenges and tests of epic proportions. Outdated concerns must be dealt with so that we may find solutions to the new problems in front of us. We must face tragedies, diseases, losses (particularly monetary), shattered dreams and altered or unexpected doses of reality. We must look within.

"This is a good time to confirm our greatest strengths by directing abusive patterns into constructive and useful disciplines which will reshape and bring hope to the emerging outlook on life."

Pluto's not messing around. But it's exactly what we need. We have some very hard shifts coming. We've already seen some of them. Some are going to be very physical - monetary system crashes, earthquakes - while most of them are going to be consciousness and awareness shifts. Pluto is preparing us for them.

One of the statements above is something I try to tell people everyday: "...we must transform...no matter what condition of fate surrounds you." It's easy to be happy and balanced when things are going well. But it's important to know how to stay balanced and, if not happy then content, no matter how challenging things are. All change is good, even that which we don't like, because it teaches and helps us get to a higher level of awareness. It's easier to understand and experience the "bad" if you see it as opportunity not celestial harassment.

Let Pluto show you things about yourself you may not want to see. Face the lessons and challenges it offers and I guarantee you'll be better prepared to deal with the shifts that are coming.

Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm very lucky in the work that I do as a psychic, or as I prefer, spiritual counsellor, to note patterns of energy and behavior. It's wonderful to know these things in broad strokes based on Astrology, but it's extra helpful to see them emerge in a more personal way when five or six separate people come in for readings on a single day, all with the same issues.

One of the patterns showing itself now is that, with all the challenges of Saturn Retrograde, Pluto Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde (not to mention the physical changes of the Earth herself), people are trending to extremes in one of two reactions.

People are either feeling incredibly insecure and lost, and filled with self doubt, even when the general things in their lives haven't changed; or, people are standing in self righteousness demanding that God / Creator / the Universe / the Powers That Be give them a sign or make something happen because they feel they've done enough and they've had enough of not getting their own way.

Either of these paths can happen to anyone. Self-righteousness isn't only for the ego-driven, nor is self-doubt only for the thoughtful. They're both ways to face the lessons that are on us - lessons in self awareness and awakening. And none of it's easy because it requires a perception shift. It requires thinking in an Aquarian way instead of a Piscean way (more on that when I get to the Piscean Age/Aquarian Age changes in another blog).

It was pretty incredible to witness a beautiful, level-headed, even-tempered client come to me with surprisingly intense anger, demanding that something had better happen for her or she was going to give up. I laid down several Tarot spreads, all with very valuable information. But even before I opened my mouth I knew she wouldn't hear a thing I said because nothing was going to give her the answer she wanted. The energies I called on (hers and mine) were showing a way to overcome this temporary anger and see the bigger picture, but she wanted her way. She left as angry as she'd come - not at me, at the Universe in general. I knew she'd eventually come down from it - that wasn't her nature - but it wasn't going to happen immediately.

Most of the people, however, are on the opposite end - feeling insecure and lost. But, as far as I understand, these retrogrades are taking us back over past experiences that were not healed or had no closure and showing them to us so we can fix them.

It's definitely uncomfortable, but without this energy, we wouldn't be facing these past issues, which means we'd carry them throughout our lives and probably have them bite us in the ass at some time when we're old. Then we become stuck, grumbly old people looking at what could or should have been. I think we've all seen or know people like that. And by that time, it's too late to do anything about it. But it's not too late now.

Try something for yourself, no matter what you're feeling or what situation you're facing. What happens if whatever negativity is in front of you is perceived as exactly what is right for you in that moment. Our modern society, especially in the United States, has gotten so used to the "right to happiness", we avoid or try to alter what we don't like or feel is undeserved instead of thinking why it's in our way in the first place. Because there's always a reason it is.

I had an encounter with someone at work recently where I was treated unjustly as a scapegoat. My first reaction was indignation and anger but then I tried to look at it as if it was exactly what was supposed to be happening to me at that time. I asked myself what I was supposed to learn, and looked back over my life (the retrograde effect) to find the scapegoat theme had happened before. Instead of blaming him, I took conscious responsibility for having treated this guy exactly the same way at some time in a previous life. I didn't have to remember the details, the proof that I had used him as a scapegoat before was in him using me as a scapegoat now. The lesson wasn't his, it was mine.

That wasn't easy to realize or to face. Before I'd worked it all out within myself, I went home with my stomach in knots at the injustice of it all and had to do several sessions of Tapping (thank you to the great Marilyn Morris for teaching me that) and some deep yogic breathing just to relax enough to sleep. The next day, I had completely owned the encounter and felt at peace. Even though my human self still wanted to kick a little ass, my spiritual self knew I'd get over that.

No matter what you're facing, just try seeing it as a way to learn something instead of as an obstacle. And hang in there. We're in difficult times. If you're having a difficult life at the moment, try not to judge yourself for not doing better. What happens if you stand in the knowledge that everything you're doing is exactly right and if you look at it long enough, you'll see it in clarity? Kind of takes some of the weight off of things, doesn't it?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I've been watching the news trying to get info on the volcanic eruption in Iceland and usually get maybe 20 seconds of stunning footage of the cloud, rarely the actual eruption, and then 20 minutes of people stranded in airports in the British Isles and Europe. I understand how annoying and frustrating it can be to have the normal flow of human lives disrupted but I feel the focus is a little off. And the imbalance of the reporting seems to represent the imbalance of how we as humans are seeing this event.

Put aside that this volcano hasn't erupted in over 180 years and our technology has never been better in reporting this magnificent, rare Earth change (a report of which I can't seem to find without - again - being deluged by stranded travellers), this is our dear Mother Earth giving us a mild warning about what's to come. I say mild because it really is. People are being inconvenienced, perhaps severely; but for the vast majority, this isn't life threatening.

What I feel is happening is a lesson in being adaptable. The Earth is the most important life now; she's in the process of giving birth to a new, more aware version of herself. And anyone who's been in labor, or been with someone in labor, knows when it's happening, nothing else is important. And yet with her in this state, she still gives us this gentle warning without letting her full intensity reign down on us.

I feel there are so many more changes to come - we're still at the beginning of the 16 years of Pluto in Capricorn (it actually started at the end of 2008), a time of great transformation. The last time this configuration hit us, we had the American Revolution and the people born during those 16 years grew up to have the French Revolution. We've got changes coming in every aspect of our lives and physical changes to the planet as well.

If we see events like this as annoyances and wait for them to pass so we can "get back to normal", I think we're missing the point. What happens if this eruption lasts for two years, like it did the last time? What will that do to our normal travel plans? Or any of the other alterations caused by that amount of ash in the atomsphere? Are we ready to deal with it?

I think we should be. Or at least look at this change as an opportunity to see things from a different perspective. Now is the time to let the Earth show us where our focus needs to be to learn how to survive this challenging time. She's always given us messages but with mankind in our full "power over" mode, we've not noticed them.

With the changing of the Piscean Age into the Aquarian Age, we're finishing "mankind" and becoming "humankind" with more awareness and responsibility. If we now listen instead of talk and tap into our own intuition and innate connection to the Earth, I think we'll be a lot better off. Her messages are very clear. Take a moment to look at things from her perspective and be ready.

Friday, April 16, 2010

With all the dramatic Earth shifts happening - there have been 10 major quakes over 6.5 in the last three and a half months, and last Wednesday, as I'm sure you know, a volcano in Iceland erupted and is still spewing lava and ash into the air - you may not think this is affecting you personally (outside of fear of a quake happening in your area or not being able to fly in Europe). But we've been feeling it in subtle ways.

This is the year of the earthquake (Pluto/Transformation in Capricorn/Earth) and we've only seen the start of it. Leading up to each event, we can feel, to varying degrees: dizzy, out of sorts, depressed, unbalanced, irritable and exceptionally tired. And I'm talking so tired, hours more sleep is still not helping. The intensity of each of these reactions lessens within a day of an event.

We're feeling this no matter where on the planet each event takes place - it doesn't have to happen in your backyard for you to be affected. Since some of our biggest lessons now are about awareness of ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET INCLUDING THE PLANET HERSELF, not just awareness of our immediate spheres, we're going to feel the changes that are happening all over.

If you're not charting this, think about doing so. At least, be aware of your moods and sleep patterns not because you're reacting to some idiot at work or because you have indigestion in the middle of the night. Be aware of your connection to the Earth affecting you on very deep levels. Sometimes knowing why you are depressed or irritable or overtired makes it easier to deal with.

Love and light to all.